Sunday, October 31, 2021

Warhammer Old World Campaigns (4) - Empire Army Started

As I continue working through all my "catch-up" posts, these are the start of my Empire army for Warmaster and various other mass battle fantasy rulesets we're trying for the Old World Campaign. 

My goal for this army is to have it encompass all the various provinces and principalities of the Empire so that if I ever wanted to, I could expand it and have different Electors fighting each other. An added benefit of this plan is that it is going to be a VERY colorful army. A disadvantage to this plan is that it takes bloody forever to paint a unit! But, I think they're turning out ok.

First up we have a unit of Averland Pikemen. 10 figures per base. I'm quite happy with how they turned out! Pendraken 10mm Landsknecht Pikemen as proxy.

Next we have a unit of The Reiksguard. A lovely unit of heavy cavalry. 10mm Pendraken.

Finally we have a unit of Altdorf Greatswordsmen. Very very pleased with how they turned out, though I need to get better at freehanding 10mm flags and banners. 10mm Pendraken Landsknechts. 

I have a ton more units to paint for this army, but as noted above - they take a bit of time. I hope you're enjoying this project as much as I am!

2021 Painted Figures - 473
2021 Finished Terrain - 13
2021 Games Played - 5

1 comment:

  1. Superb and impressive units, love the heavy cavalry and the pikes...
