This is supposed to arrive in September. I backed it because I'm greatly into post-apoc games, and this is a load of interesting figures, rules etc in that genre. When it arrives I'll write up a review as I have time. Keeping in it's spirit though, I highly recommend the book -
Which is set in Britain during the apocalypse. Fantastic read! I'm going to re-read it and put up a proper review.
The 2nd KS I'm expecting to arrive either in sept or oct, is -
I first heard of this through the Perry's Facebook page I believe. Fantastic looking figures, can't wait to get my mitts on 'em. While it's meant for Africa, I plan on also using the figures for Modern Iraq/Afghan games and my Zombie Apocalypse games.
The last KS I'm waiting on is -
Doing this on my iPhone, I can't remember when this is supposed to arrive. But, looking forward to having some quick terrain to paint up and get on the table.
Now, I heard a rumor that Studio Miniatures is going to be doing another kickstarter for some Walking Dead-esque miniatures sometime in the next several months...well, that's definitely a Joker card.
Heya Dave, I'm officially following the blog now! Might take me a while to work through the older posts though.