Monday, October 28, 2019

BadSquiddo Viking Slingers and Footsore Blood Eagle

I haven't been inactive since finishing up the forces for Long Tan at Recruits.  I just haven't had a lot of time and lets be honest, when I don't have a lot of hobby time - I'd rather paint vs blog. The game was relatively well received.  A couple players weren't fans of the card based mechanics but everyone said they had fun.  I was so busy on the day that I didn't get any pictures :(  I'll do better next time, I promise.

On to what I've been working on - 

These four viking slingers from BadSquiddo were a BLAST to paint.  Annie hires sculptors that sculpt with "ease of painting" in mind.  I have a lot of Badsquiddo figures still to do, and I'm very much looking forward to doing them. 

Next up we have this "Blood Eagle" vignette from Footsore Miniatures.  It will probably be used as either a terrain piece or an objective marker in games of SAGA or maybe Dux Brit.  It's a brutally evocative piece that was somewhat unpleasant to paint, but I firmly believe that one of the reasons we game these periods is to remember the history. History was not clean and proper and we HAVE to remember that to prevent it from happening again. 

That's all I have for today. More updates coming soon!

2019 Finished Figures - 304
2019 Finished Terrain - 40
2019 Games Played - 6